Honey Collection in Sunderbans

Maulis (honey collectors), as they are called in Bengali, often risk their lives in the peak season to collect honey, armed with nothing but a prayer to Bon Bibi ( the Forest Goddess). Honey collection starts from March to April - May and during this season, maulis (honey collectors) obtain permits / pass from the Forest Department for honey collection and proceed in a boat to enter into the Sundarbans in small groups.

Sundarbans Honey Collection

Each of these groups collect honey from the Sundarbans in a specific time and specific parts of the forest under the supervision of local administration. They use smokers to drive away the bees and then they collect the honey. The Mawolis sell their honey collection & it is a traditional livelihood and a way to meet their expenditure for this entire process.


Jamespur, Hamilton Abad, Sundarban, West Bengal 743370 


Email: sundarbanorganics@gmail.com 
Phone: +91 9903977202
                99039 76430